Active Shooter

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.  Active shooter situations are each unique and dynamic, therefore responses may vary based upon information available at the time of the incident.  Refer to the below guidelines provided by the Department of Homeland Security on to how to respond.




In Active Shooter situations it may not be a good idea to have one specific pre-designated “Safe Area” where floor occupants would automatically go to in any Active Shooter situations as each are unique and dynamic.  Therefore, floor occupants should respond accordingly taking into consideration the information available at that time and make the best decision as to whether to run, hide, or fight.  However, it is recommended that floor occupants make themselves aware of any potential “Safe Areas” on their floor in advance of an incident for good situational awareness.


Preparing for an Active Shooter Situation – Organizational Considerations


  1. Conduct Vulnerability Assessment of office identifying opportunities to target harden the space.
  2. Create Workplace Violence Plan and train all employees on policy.
  3. Create Emergency Action Plan ensuring all employees are familiar with the plans for evacuations, sheltering-in-place, and options for responding to an active shooter situation.
    • Seek external training opportunities for Active Shooter Response training.
  4. Create Business Continuity Plan and incorporate plans for alternate worksites or telecommuting in event of unforeseen disaster closing office for extended time period.